Welcome to Poseidon CSG

Poseidon is a level design tool for Unity that works by allowing you to take meshes and intersect them together, creating new geometry.

The idea behind it is: I can connect this room to this another room simply by sliding them together or by dragging a connecting piece into my scene. Despite how complicated it is to do all of the computations, we’ve intentionally tried to create the simplest process for you, as a user to follow. Take two meshes, slide them together - bam - they’re connected, and new holes are formed.

Now, clearly, despite the fact that our goal is to create a simple, dynamic, fast experience, there’s definitely a bit of complexity hidden in the tool that it would be great for you to be aware of - that’s what these docs are for. Feel free to follow along with the table of contents and see how it works, how to configure it, and what we have coming up in our pipeline.

Moreover, if you have any other questions, our discord server is probably the best place to reach us. We’ve got specific channels ready to explain how it works how to use it, and we’re curious to see how you’re using Poseidon and what kinds of features you’d like in the future!